Web Application Development
Undergraduate course, Quaid-i-Azam University, 2019
Offered: Fall 2019, Fall 2021
Aims and Objectives
The main objective of this course is to learn latest technologies used in today’s web application development. After successfully completing the course, the student should be able to develop and deploy modern web applications. The course will start with the basics concepts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and later on move to advnaced technologies like Node.js, express and react.
Weekly Contents
- Introduction to Web
- Working with Text
- Working with links, images, tables, forms
- Introduction to CSS, Text
- CSS: Colors, box model
- CSS: Positioning, Flexbox, grid
- CSS: responsive web design
- Javascript: Introduction
- JQuery
- React: Intro, JSX
- React: Class, State, Life cycle
- React: Forms
- React: server mode, react-router
- Introduction to Node.js
- Learning Web Deisgn (5th Ed) by Jennifer N. Robbins (2018)
- JavaScript and JQuery by Jon Duckett (2014)
- Pro MERN Stack (2nd Ed) by Vasan Subramanian (2019)
- Practical Node.js (2nd Ed) by Azat Mardan (2018)